Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Freedom with Responsibility Quotes with my Responces

"The meaning of the term 'responsibility' can vary. In some situations, the responsible choice is obvious, like being responsible enough to not drink and drive. In other situations, you must be more responsible, such as with your child, with your income, or with your business. Success at any scale will come with a level of responsibility."
-Emily Ma

Emily Ma expressed her thoughts on what freedom means to her; I thought this quote was a very important one. All of the responsibility that Emily talks about comes from freedoms. Some freedoms, for example, are to drive or to be in charge of a child. These freedoms come with very important responsibility to the lives of yourself and others. Other freedoms are less evident, but it is still important to have them. These small freedoms also come with great responsibility.

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"Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who doesn't want to carry his own weight,  this is a frightening prospect."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt truly understands the consequences of freedom with responsibility. She says in the quote that freedom is not free. The cost of freedom is responsibility, and there is no way going around this. Freedom with responsibility may not be for everyone because maybe not everyone can handle the responsibility that comes with freedoms, and this may frighten some.

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